Auto accidents may force you to make many decisions you were not prepared to make. Medical care, legal matters and other issues are all complex. Here is some general information to help prepare you for one of the major choices: whether to pursue a personal injury court decision or to settle your claim outside of the Montana court system. It…Read More
Every motor vehicle accident is unique, whether the crash results in the loss of life or relatively minor damage to a vehicle. People may struggle with many consequences in the wake of a collision, from those which are financial (medical expenses or taking time off from work) to physical pain and other hardships associated with an injury. However, the emotional…Read More
While Montana residents may not have to deal with the extremely hectic and congested roadways for their daily commute like so many metropolitan areas around the nation, that does not mean its residents are devoid of feeling the pressures of their jobs. For many people, this includes the need to be available to their employers and colleagues at almost any…Read More
While you are excited that your teenager gets to start driving and can be more independent, you are also concerned about his or her ability to be responsible when driving the roads of Montana. Because driving requires focus and prompt decision making, distractions of any kind can create dangerous circumstances. Teaching your teenager about the dangers of distracted driving is…Read More
The consequences of a motor vehicle collision can be unbearably challenging from a physical perspective, and they can also be very tough from a financial point of view. However, the emotional toll of motor vehicle collisions should not be ignored, either. Many people who are involved in auto accidents (and their loved ones) suffer from an emotional standpoint because of…Read More
You may feel as if you encounter road construction around just about every corner of the state in Montana, and as communities continue to experience regular growth, there will also continue to be a need for new roads and related infrastructure to support them. Unfortunately, many motorists find navigating their way through construction zones to be difficult, and this is…Read More
If you are like a lot of people in Montana, you are concerned about your safety and the safety of those you love when you are on the road. This concern is not without good cause because it seems that despite many advances in vehicle safety, too many other drivers continue to ignore safety and instead make reckless choices. These…Read More
The consequences of an auto accident can shatter someone’s life in many different ways, whether they lose the ability to walk or face financial problems because of hospital expenses. There are all sorts of other challenges that may arise in the wake of a motor vehicle collision, however, some of which receive less attention. For example, auto accident victims sometimes…Read More
For Montana drivers, a hit and run accident is extremely stressful. Even if you’re not seriously injured, you’ll still have to deal with significant property damage, and the driver responsible will be long gone when it comes time to deal with the issue. There are steps you can take to keep yourself safe while ensuring the negligent party is brought…Read More
Sharing the Montana roadway with teenagers is undeniably dangerous, both because teens are often prone to distraction and because they inherently lack driving experience. A teen driver can become even more of a highway hazard, however, if he or she is also actively texting behind the wheel, which is something teens across the nation continue to do at alarming rates.…Read More