From signalized crosswalks in cities to junctions on rural roads, intersections often involve unique risks for motor vehicle drivers as well as pedestrians and cyclists. According to the Federal Highway Administration, intersection-related traffic incidents account for about half of U.S. traffic injuries and roughly one in four fatalities each year. In 2019, there were over 10,000 traffic deaths involving an…Read More
Even though today’s motor vehicles have hundreds of safety features, car accident injuries remain alarming common in the U.S. In fact, as many as 4.4 million Americans suffer injuries in car accidents every year. While many injuries are minor, others leave accident victims with forever changed lives. An amputation falls into the latter category, as it results in the loss…Read More
Crash data from the Montana Department of Transportation paints an alarming picture for motorists across the state. In 2019 alone, there were 9,485 crashes that killed 94 individuals and injured 2,367 others. Fortunately, injured individuals and the family members of deceased ones are often eligible for financial settlements from insurance companies. If you have suffered a serious injury in a…Read More
In 2020, fewer Montana motorists took to the state’s roads than they did the year prior. While you might think this means fewer crashes occurred, new statistics show that the opposite is true. According to KTVH, the number of deaths resulting from crashes that occurred between January of 2020 and Dec. 28 of 2020 increased 12% from the same period…Read More
As a driver, it is important to understand which driving behaviors may put you at risk. Distracted driving covers a lot of the most dangerous driving behaviors. It includes drowsy driving, which creates an increasing and prevalent risk for all drivers on the road. What is it about drowsy driving that poses such a risk? Is there anything you can…Read More
Some parts of Southwest Montana have extended 2020 deer hunting licenses through February 15, 2021. During this time, the number of auto accidents associated with deer collisions tends to rise. Insurance Information Institute data indicates an average of 200 fatalities a year in this type of incident. Review these steps to prevent a wildlife-related motor vehicle incident if you live…Read More
If you suffered from a spinal cord injury, treatment can be extensive and life-long. In the U.S., the most common cause of a spinal cord injury or an SCI is a motor vehicle accident, explains the American Association of Neurological Surgeons. An SCI can cause the loss of all motor and sensory function below the injury or cause the loss…Read More
Whether you were recently involved in an alcohol-related traffic accident or you regularly drive and are worried about the risk of a DUI crash, it is important to understand the scope of this problem in the state of Montana. Every year, many lives are lost due to drunk drivers across Montana and even more people are injured in these collisions.…Read More
Most people in Montana understand that whenever they choose to travel as a passenger in a vehicle, they may accept (to a certain degree) the risks potentially posed by the actions of their drivers. Given that most people traveling as passengers in vehicles have an existing relationship with the drivers transporting (and thus trust in their judgment and abilities), few…Read More
Anxiety affects many people in Montana and across the nation as the end of the year approaches. In some cases, this anxiety can result in problems on the road. While aggressive driving is present throughout the year, it can become more noticeable around the holidays. People who become enraged while behind the wheel often display hazardous driving behaviors, which can…Read More